Tournois Ossau Iraty Final:
Aguirre-Lazcano defeated Elgart-Lucu* 40-39
Cedric Lucu, a back courter who I became aware of during this year's Coup de Chasseurs Tournament, being played at Trinquet Garat, Donibane Garazi (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port) (1)(2) (see coverage at Main Nue recurring 50 point match results on the right side of the blog), played an outstanding match in this final.
Lucu is in the back court of the red team, the only one without a name on the back of his shirt. He had been noted for excellent play in the short summary of the CdC semi-final, but there was no match video or statistics. In this final there was match video, so I watched (3 of the players, all but Lazcano, will be featured in the CdC final) and charted the match point by point, in order to keep score, assign winners and errors, and make an enhanced linescore. I don't feel the need to reproduce the entire linescore, but Lucu played an impressive game and I thought you might like to see his highlights. He had 17 winners, a large number for a back courter, and only 1 less than his partner. He also had 5 errors, including the error that ended the game. But I think he shows great promise and that you will enjoy watching him progress.
Links and context of each of his winners are provided below. Note that he doesn't get into the scoring column until the 28th point of the game. But then see how crucial his play is to getting his team back into the game.
Note: I judged these points as Lucu winners. You may disagree with some of these judgements. Feedback is welcome. Please send any to
1-2. Point begins 19-8 A-La, ends 19-9. 10 balls in play. Followed by the next point ending at 19-10. 5 balls in play.
3. Point begins at 20-12 A-La, ends at 20-13. 3 balls in play.
4. Point begins at 22-16 A-La, ends at 22-17. 19 balls in play.
5-6. Point begins at 23-17 A-La. Ends at 23-18. 4 balls in play. Followed by the next point ending at 23-19, 21 balls inplay.
7-8. Point begins at 23-20 A-La. Ends at 23-21. 11 balls in play. Followed by the next point ending at 23-22. 17 balls in play
9. Point begins at 23-23. Ends at 23-24 E-Lu. 7 balls in play.
10-11. Point begins at 25-24 A-La. Ends at 25-25. 20 balls in play. Followed by the next point ending at 25-26 E-Lu. 19 balls in play.
12. Point beginning at 27-26 A-La. Ends at 27-27. 6 balls in play.
13. Point beginning at 31-28 A-La. Ends at 31-29. 40 balls in play.
14. Point beginning at 32-31 A-La. Ends at 32-32. 4 balls in play.
15. Point beginning at 35-32 A-La. Ends at 35-33. 22 balls in play.
16. Point beginning at 35-34 A-La. Ends at 35-35. 13 balls in play.
17. Point beginning at 36-36. Ends at 36-37 E-Lu. 2 balls in play.
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